Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm a bad blogger

Really. I can't think of anything to write. Here goes nothing....

I'm waiting for Chrismas to come and go before I work on any big new exciting things. I asked Santa for lots of needles and notions, so I'm dragging my feet to see if I get those or not. Also, I don't want to buy lots of yarn when I could be buying presents for my loved ones. Not to mention I have about a month of down time between semesters to knit or crochet all the livelong day.

Mostly I've been cranking out items for charity - squares for a blanket (I can't remember if it's Project Linus or Afghans for Afghans) that my stitch'n'bitch is making, and crocheted hats that my fraternity sells to raise money for Relay 4 Life.

I also managed to make a cowl out of my bamboo yarn. It's super duper soft and it keeps my face and neck warm, and that means something in Wisconsin.

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