Saturday, June 27, 2009

Pros & Cons

We'll start with cons:
Work was a Murphy's Law day - everything that could go wrong, did
Work started at 6am today and lasted till 5pm with only a 15 minute break
Work will be uber lame tomorrow
I will get 6 hours of sleep at best tonight (actually that's not as bad as I thought)
This bra does not go with this dress
This cafe is in Milwaukee and I am usually not

And now for the pros:
Overtime, chaCHING!
I actually kinda facilitated almost all of a Special Event
The weather was unbelievably lovely and I got to enjoy it
Being at work early meant a fantabulous parking spot
I am at an amazing cafe in Milwaukee
I am mere moments away from being with my brother! And seeing her new apt!
I am mere hours away from being at Summerfest to see Barenaked Ladies!!!!!!!!
I am mere weeks away from Brian!
I had a friendly conversation with the guy that sold me my car charger for my phone

Friday, June 26, 2009

Stop being counterproductive, yo!

So my main issue this summer is that I feel a bit lonely and wish I had people to hang out with. However, instead of doing something about it, I spend my time on my laptop with headphones in or alone in my room. The goal is to actually talk to people, and maybe not be so lame and lonely.

Also, food: I has it.
I'm still getting used to this dining-hall-free lifestyle, and I feel like I'm spending too much money on grocieries. It's entirely possible that I am, but it's probably more likely that I'm just not used to the sheer volume of food I actually consume. A lot of it is also that I feel the need to have back-up food, and to have lots of options. So for the next undetermined amount of time, I am going to not buy grocieries until I actually run out of food. I think this is going to be hard for me, especially when I run out of peanut butter & jelly (which i take to work for lunch every day). I think I can last quite a while, but it will be very, very hard.