Friday, July 25, 2008

Getting back into the groove

After a breif 1-month hiatus from yarning, I'm feeling re-inspired. I finally broke down and ordered a yarn winder, which should arrive later today (hooray!). Unfortunately, I need yarn. And not in the normal yarn addict way, where new fiber is always welcome, but I actually don't have the yarn I need. Until recently, my stash has consisted of Red Heart Super Saver because it was cheap and readily available. As I learned yesterday, RHSS doesn't felt so easily (or maybe I just have no patience?) So I need to get some nice felting yarn. Seeing as I don't have a car, my only ways to purchase yarn are online or hitching a ride to the nearest craft store 30 minutes away. And I honestly think I'd get the yarn faster if I ordered it online, but I want to be able to feel it and see the color with my own eyes before I spend my hard earned dollars. Oh well, at least it's payday.

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