Saturday, May 17, 2008

Checkouts: A lesson in leniency

I admit it, I am a doormat. I am way too nice and I let my residents get away with waaaaaaaaay too much. However, after re-cleaning almost every room on my floor after hall closing, I know that next year, I need to check all the drawers, make sure carpets are actually vacuumed, and enforce the cleaning of microwaves.

I have a handful of days off before I start my summer job, which is not much different than my rest of the year job. I'm working for University Housing as a Conference Assistant, and I honestly don't know what they'll have me do.

1 comment:

Shelly & Ben said...

Wow. At Point they made us check even for dust in the most critical of places before we were able to let a resident check out. I'm sorry to hear you had to clean almost all of your rooms over again.

As for the C.A. thing, I'm actually a Conference Host working with C.A.s ... did you enjoy the experience?